Meet Caroline Burkholder, Knoxville Nutritionist and Registered Dietitian
About Caroline Burkholder, RD, LPC/MHSP(t), CEDS
Caroline Burkholder, RD, LPC/MHSP(t), CEDS is a registered dietitian nutritionist and certified eating disorder specialist in Knoxville, TN. She is the owner of RootED Nutrition and Counseling, a practice licensed to provide services in Georgia, Maryland, and Tennessee. Caroline earned her Bachelor of Arts in Political Science from University of the South, and she went on to complete her Master of Science in Health Science and Nutrition at Georgia State University in 2017. Caroline then pursued her Masters of Arts in Clinical Mental Health Counseling from Wake Forest University.
Additionally, Caroline practices psychotherapy out of Knox Therapy Center. The combination of nutrition-therapy and psychotherapy training gives her the skills to help you understand the root of your eating disturbances, the patterns that perpetuate them, and ultimately, insight towards recovery. If you would like to work with Caroline as a therapist, you may find her at the Knox Therapy Center website.
Prior to founding RootED Nutrition and Counseling, Caroline worked in university counseling at Georgia State University, in residential mental health treatment at Skyland Trail, a Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT)-based mental health treatment, and in a group practice specializing in the outpatient treatment of eating disorders.
To schedule a consultation with Caroline, please click here.
Nutrition Counseling Background, Training and Specialties
Caroline is a health at every size aligned registered dietitian nutritionist. She has undergone specialized training in Eating Disorders, Family Based Treatment (FBT), Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for dietitians, and Radically Open DBT for dietitians through EDRDPro. Caroline holds the Certified Eating Disorder Specialist (CEDS) certification, which requires 2500 hours of direct eating disorder experience and ongoing consultation with senior clinicians in the field.
Caroline treats clinical presentations of Anorexia Nervosa, Bulimia Nervosa, Binge Eating Disorder, Avoidant Restrictive Food Intake Disorder (ARFID), and Other Specified Eating and Feeding Disorders (OSFED). However, at RootED Nutrition and Counseling, we understand that eating disorders and disordered eating are notoriously under-treated. With this in mind, you do not need to have a diagnosed eating disorder to receive care and treatment if your relationship with food is causing you distress.
Caroline has a special interest in treating individuals with co-occurring mental health diagnoses, including but not limited to ADHD, borderline personality disorder, major depressive disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, and bipolar disorder. She has also received specialized training in treating athletes with eating disorders, individuals with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS), Type I and II Diabetes, and hypertension. If you are wondering if you are a good fit to work with Caroline Burkholder, MS, RD, LD, please visit who is a good fit for non-diet nutrition counseling.
Nutrition Counseling Treatment Approach
While Caroline has specialized training in nutrition, she knows you are the expert on yourself. While she will serve as a guide, Caroline will defer to your wisdom when you believe you need to change direction in treatment, or reimagine the treatment focus. Her ultimate goal is to create a space where you feel safe to invite growth and liberation into your recovery.
Caroline proudly serves as part of the Project Heal Healer’s Circle, where she is able to provide low-cost nutrition counseling services to individuals struggling to access the care that they need. If you are struggling with the financial obligations of eating disorder treatment, Caroline encourages you to enter the Project Heal application process, where you can specifically request to work with her using their low-cost treatment model.
Credentials and Practice Locations
Caroline offers in-person appointments in her hometown of Knoxville, TN, and she offers virtual appointments to residents of Georgia and Tennessee.
Caroline is a Registered Dietitian through the Commission on Dietetic Registration, with a registration number of 86083287.
Caroline holds her Certified Eating Disorder Specialist (CEDS) credential through the International Association of Eating Disorder Professionals (IAEDP), with a certification number of 6637.
Caroline is licensed to provide nutrition services in the following states:
Tennessee (4272),
Georgia (LD004968),
She may additionally provide nutrition services to residents in the following states through practice reciprocity:
Virginia, West Virginia, Pennsylvania, Texas, Oklahoma, Arizona, New York, Vermont, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Indiana, Wisconsin, Michigan, Washington, Oregon, California, Idaho, Wyoming, Colorado, Alaska, and Hawaii. If you have questions about whether Caroline can be your registered dietitian nutritionist, please inquire here.
Additionally, Caroline practices psychotherapy out of Knox Therapy Center under the supervision of Anthony Fuller, LPC/MHSP. If you would like to work with her as a psychotherapist, you may reach her here. She holds a LPC/MHSP(t) license in the state of Tennessee (license 7476).
Media + Press
Caroline has been featured in the following media pieces:
What Happens If You Don’t Eat Enough: 8 Ways Under Eating Affects Your Body and Mind, Equip Health
Off-Season Nutrition, Consummate Athlete Podcast
Bicycling Magazine, How to Recognize Exercise Addition in Cyclists
The Podium Podcast, Intuitive Eating With Caroline Burkholder
The Consummate Athlete Podcast, Intuitive Eating for Endurance Athletes
Livestrong, 7 High-Protein Cereals Dietitians Love
Sexually Speaking Podcast, Intuitive Eating With Caroline Burkholder
Everyday Health, 7 Phrases You May be Using That Put Other People’s Bodies Down
Spirituality and Health, 4 Ways Your Relationship to Food Impacts Your Sensuality
The Checkup by SingleCare, Is Protein Powder Good For You?
Girls Gone Gravel Podcast, Are You Really Fueling Enough?
Livestrong, 6 Cereals Dietitians Recommend for a Filling Breakfast
Recovery Warriors, Why I Use the Word Fat (and why you can, too)
Eat This, 7 Foods to Eat Every Day for a Healthy Immune System
Rock Recovery, Your Guide to a Stress-Free ED Recovery Summer Vacation
Atlanta Parent, Pack a Healthy Lunch Hassle Free
Atlanta Parent, Tips to Feed Your Family Better
Best Within You Psychology, What is Gentle Nutrition, and Where do I Start?
Edible Arrangements, Recipe Creators Share Their Favorite Popcorn Recipes
Knoxville Voyager, Community Highlights, Meet Caroline Burkholder, MS, RD, LD
Trending News, Seven Whole Grain Cereals to Eat
For speaking engagements and media requests, please e-mail